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Meet Father Nick Marziani

Father Nick Marziani is the author of Holy Fool, Holy Father, a stirring story of opposing forces reconciling, and the ordinary rising to the extraordinary.

How long have you been writing?

Since the year 2011, about five years.

What is your most recent literary/artistic project?

The novel Holy Fool, Holy Father, published by Carpenter's Son.

What inspires you to write?

Typically "Big Idea" themes with religious and/or spiritual implications, especially involving challenging and fresh ways of thinking, but done in a fictional mode as opposed to something more didactic like non-fiction.

Who’s your favorite author and why?

Canadian award-winning author Michael O'Brien, who has for years written on similar topics, but far better than I do. He also does his own illustrations and iconography, truly a genius.

What advice can you give to other authors or writers?

Pretty much what many have already said - believe in yourself and yours ideas, otherwise nobody else will. And persevere, never give up. Oh, and submit to the good judgment of mentors and gifted editors. They really can make the difference between a mediocre work and a page-turner.

Where can readers go to find out more information about your work?

To my novel's website:


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