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Spotlight On: The Elephant and the Sheep by Patricia Furstenberg

With poetic rhymes this striking picture book about the love and the simple kindness of a stranger is sure to touch a deep chord, particularly with fans of John Lennon’s “Imagine.”

When a lamb meets an elephant calf the two are happy to share a small patch of grass and a tiny water puddle available during the Big-Bad Thirst. None notices how different their bodies are, as the two are happy to spend their days together. Soon the sheep wishes that he, too, would arrive first at their meeting place and so he wakes up earlier and earlier each day. But no matter how hard he tries he cannot arrive before the elephant - because the elephant never left their tree, not having a home of his own. The sheep invites friend elephant to join her and her flock so that he will also have a family.

Inspired by the true story of Themba, the orphan elephant and Albert the good-hearted sheep that adopted him and cuddled him, the two remaining log-life best friends, “The Elephant and the Sheep” is a hymn to innocence and unconditional love, a read that is sure to warm up everyone’s heart.

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Life, Literature, and the Pursuit of Happiness

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