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New AudioBook Alert: HOLTGART

Comedic Fantasy Audiobook

Released Date: June 2024

Author Jeremy James Smith is at it again, having brought Angus Redbeard and other “Holtgart” characters to life via audiobook format June 17, 2024. This book offers a positive and satirical exploration of political musings and deep moral questions, all wrapped up around an epic fantasy framework. Specifically, it considers the age old (and timely) question of what makes a hero: credentials or competence?

Granted, you won’t be preached to; Angus is too busy dealing with the results of his snafus and the impending war between dwarves, elves, orcs, goblins, and man. Instead, you’ll laugh at his troubles and ponder the dwarven consideration of craftsmanship and care with which he experiences each culture on his journey. Readers call this young dwarf of 90 years “believable and likable,” “endearing”, and lacking “pretense.” The entire story “doesn’t take itself too seriously.”

Best considered satire, the humor is light, (no slapstick here) tugging the reader along the trail. One reviewer likened the humor to a bard or your grandad cajoling you to a punchline that you can’t wait for. Most of the other characters fall for Angus’s charms, and you’ll immediately disdain the ones who don’t. 

Speaking of bards, Smith imagines himself as one at cons and other events in the future. He truly enjoys the world and characters he’s created. They remind him of time spent with friends playing G.U.R.P.S., with a crockpot of nacho cheese, corn chips, and figurative fountains of Mountain Dew. His stories act as scaffolding to share his thoughts on the issues of this world with others in the hopes of inspiring its betterment.

“The world needs fun and exciting stories. Not just for laughs and engagement, but to experience relatable dilemmas and the range of solutions that we as humans face.” Smith stated. “I find it immensely entertaining that a dwarven coming-of-age tale is a relatable way to experience the human condition.”

The Harkentale Saga grows from individual struggles to group dynamics, all the way to world events in Book three. Social commentary a la Terry Pratchett abounds. Each book explores new characters, but so far Angus has found his way into each manuscript. 

Smith’s Harkentale Press hails its name from the author’s self-declared definition: “Stories worth listening to.” Apparently, it’s time he takes that literally.

The print and eBook formats of “Holtgart” released in 2020. You can find more information on the Harkentale Saga series and other series planned within Angus’s world on Smith’s website or by signing up for his newsletters.

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