Non-Fiction meets fiction head-on in Death Unmasked, an intriguing mystery suspense thriller that will take you on a journey through past lives. Imagine, A Houston homicide detective investigates his, and his wife's murder - but during his next lifetime...
Death Unmasked, is a suspenseful mystery thriller spanning lifetimes, using reincarnation, karma, psychic ability, remote viewing, and out-of-body experience, to out-wit an evil incarnated entity stalking women in Houston, Texas.
A reincarnated evil is stalking the women of Houston. With each murder, the madman quotes an excerpt from the Oscar Wilde poem, “The Ballad of Reading Gaol.” A huge smokestack belching smoke, a ragged flea market double-breasted wool coat, and an old antique picture frame, bring the distant past back to haunt Houston Homicide Detective, Sean Jamison. With those catalysts, Jamison knows who he was in a past life and that he lost the only woman he could ever love. Searching for his reincarnated mate becomes Jamison’s raison d’être as he and fellow detectives scour Houston for a brutal serial killer. The memory of timeless love drives Jamison’s dogged search for a serial killer, determined to finish what he started decades earlier.
Each clue brings Jamison closer to unmasking his old nemesis. Tenacious police work, lessons learned in the past, and intuition may be the only weapons he has in preventing history from repeating itself.
Book Details: Book Title: Death Unmasked by Rich Sulik Category: Adult, 265 pages Genre: Romance / Mystery / Suspense / Thriller / Police Procedural / Urban / Fantasy / Paranormal / Supernatural / Poetry Publisher: Christopher Matthews Publishing (November 6, 2015) Release date: November 6, 2015 Available for review in: print and ebook (mobi)
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Check out this entrancing tune that will dramatize the storyline in, Death Unmasked:
Greensleeves,' by Mantovani: